Frequently asked questions.

How is thai massage different from a traditional massage?

First of all, a thai massage is typically delivered on cushioned mats on the floor versus a traditional massage table. This is to allow room for movement and stretching throughout the massage in addition to a variety of massage techniques. Unlike traditional massage therapy, a thai massage therapist uses their entire body to administer the massage. This includes the feet, knees, elbows, hands… and a variety of positions that allow the therapist to use their body weight to apply pressure, stretch and move the recipient. In thai massage, comfortable clothing is worn by the recipient and different touch techniques are used than those encountered in traditional massage where it is typically administered on bare skin with oil. Finally, a major distinction between traditional massage therapy and thai massage therapy is that the body is treated as a whole in thai massage, and it is typical to have most if not all areas of the body worked on rather then to focus only on one ‘problem’ area.

Who can receive a thai massage?

Anyone! Thai massage is for the young and old, and all ages and body types in between. The massage can be adapted and adjusted to suit everyone’s needs and requirements. People come to work through tension in the body, improve mobility and flexibility, and simply to reduce stress and enjoy the deeply relaxing experience of thai massage.

Do I need to be flexible to have thai massage?

Being flexible is not necessary to receive thai massage. The massage is adaptable, there are many different massage techniques and ways to stretch and move the body, and each session is tailored individually to accommodate any restrictions or limitations in the body and to meet someone’s needs.

Is thai massage helpful for injury?

In the event that there is an injury, depending on the severity, thai massage can be effective at relieving pain and rehabilitation. It is always a good idea to consult with a primary physician before receiving any kind of therapy to determine if the treatment is appropriate.

Why are sessions longer than in a traditional massage?

Thai massage considers and treats the entire body in a typical session. For this reason the sessions are longer than traditional massage.

How often should I get a thai massage?

Everyone is different in terms of how often they feel they need treatment. General maintenance of health and well-being might look like a massage every month, every two weeks, or every week. The answer will depend on the individual, their body, and their needs.

Can you recieve thai massage if you are pregnant?

Generally thai massage is safe and helpful to receive during pregnancy. Thai massage can be performed on an individual from a sitting position, prone or supine position as well as a side-lying position, making it very adaptable to someone’s needs and comfort. As always, it is important to check in with a primary physician before receiving treatment.

“Andrea massaged me while I was pregnant… All the way up to 8 months! She did an excellent job adapting certain movements and positions so they would work for me. One of the best massages I have ever had!”

Danielle Rae

How should I prepare and what should I wear for the session?

Bring or wear comfortable clothing for the massage, this can be anything that is stretchy and breathes. Examples of clothing: t-shirt or tank top and workout pants or shorts. Sometimes in a longer session as the nervous system settles, the body temperature may drop and having a light long sleeved shirt to put on may also be helpful. Try not to eat or drink a lot of fluid prior to a session. Thai massage is a dynamic form of massage that involves twisting and movement, it is more comfortable to receive on a light stomach.

What can I expect after a session?

It will be important to hydrate with plenty of water after a session. This is because thai massage is like a workout for the muscles and tissues and while it may not feel like it, the body is using a lot of water during the session, just like it would during exercise. Thai massage is also cleansing and we want to flush the body of any toxins that have been released from the tissue. Water helps the body recover more quickly after the session.

Everyone responds differently to a thai massage. Someone might feel energized while someone else feels relaxed and sleepy or tired, and yet another might feel emotional or agitated. We are all a little bit different in our physical, emotional, mental and energetic composition, thus the response is different. There is no ‘correct’ response just like there is no set prescription to what healing and therapy looks like. If the response is sleepy – go home and sleep! Our body is good at telling us what it needs when we listen.

Finally, it is not uncommon to feel sore after a thai massage. This will likely not last more then a day or two, similar to what might be experienced after a workout. Under rare circumstances, if a person bruises easily, there may be some slight bruising in areas. If there is any inflammation or discomfort, icing the area or using an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be helpful.

What are your hours of operation and how do I book an appointment?

I typically work Monday to Saturday with a variety of morning, afternoon and evening appointments available. Bookings can be arranged through my email, text, phone or social media pages. When booking, provide any preferences for days and times and I will always try to accommodate needs.

What forms of payment are taken?

Payment can be made in cash, e-transfer or cheque. At this time I am no longer accepting credit cards.

What is your cancellation policy?

I require at least 48 hours notice (even more is better!) for cancellations and appreciate your consideration with this. This allows me time to try to fill the appointment. For cancellations made less than 48 hours before the appointment time, I charge a $50 fee. While I do not want to charge you, please understand that this is how I make a living and when I am unable to fill a time spot due to a late cancellation, it creates financial stress on my end. I will of course make considerations where appropriate (i.e. emergencies).

For first-time bookings:

For all new clients, I require a $50 deposit prior to the first appointment to book the session. This amount goes towards the total cost of the session and is completely refundable or the session can be rescheduled as long as I am given at least 48 hours notice.

Can I claim thai massage with my insurance benefits?

While I am a registered therapist with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC), thai massage is typically not covered under most Saskatchewan health plans. That being said, it is always good to check with your insurance provider as some plans allow ‘health benefits’ spending for a variety of health-related expenditures.

Do you sell gift certificates?

Yes! Contact me to purchase a gift card anytime. Thai massage makes the best gifts!